[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Command option type Variable identifier Explanation Example
Command line (keyword is suitable) Value of variable
Character string type
Int set If it is appointed with command line, 1, otherwise 0. -v myName Set=1
Char *str The copy as a character string of the argument which is appointed with command line. Str= "myName"
Character string selection
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Character string list type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Char **strList The character string arrangement which was divided with the comma -v a:x, b:y and c:z StrList= {"a" and "b", "c"}
Char **colList The character string arrangement which was divided with the colon ColList= {"x", "y" and "z"}
Int cnt StrList (colList) number of elements of arrangement Cnt=3
Integer type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Int val The value which converts str to integer (atoi (str)) -v 100 Val=100
Integer list type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Int *val Arrangement of the value which converts the plural character strings which were divided with the comma to integer -v 10,15,20 Val= {10,15,20}
Int cnt Number of elements of val arrangement Cnt=3
Integer range type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Int *from Start number of range (integer) arrangement -R 1_4,6,8_10 From= {1,6,8}
Int *to End number of range (integer) arrangement To= {4,6,10}
Cnt From (to) number of elements of arrangement Cnt=3
Real number type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Double val The value which converts str to the real number (atof (str)) -v 1.28 Val=1.28
Real number list type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Double *val Arrangement of the value which converts the plural character strings which were divided with the comma to the real number -v 1.28,10.5 Val= {1.28, 10.5}
Int cnt Number of elements of val arrangement Cnt=2
Input file type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Char **strList Arrangement in the file name character string of the language which the character string arrangement which was divided with the comma (however, considers each character string file name, develops the wild card) -i indat.xt,2002* xt StrList= {"dat.xt", "200201.xt" and "200202.xt"...}
Int cnt Number of elements of strList arrangement Assuming) that cnt=3 (the 2002* xt it matched to result and two Ç|ÇÑÇ{Ç~Çç which develop the wild card,
Output file type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type -o outdat.xt Str= "outdat.xt"
General item type

With *mssSetOption function, it does not do the wild card development of item name. It does with mssSetOptFld function.
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Char **nam The character string arrangement which was divided with the comma -f amount: Total amount %nr, quantity and monovalent *: Total unit cost (&)
Nam= {"amount", "quantity" and "unit cost *"}
Char **newNam The character string arrangement which was divided with the colon NewNam= {"total amount", NULL, "total unit cost (&)"}
Char **fldOpt So the character string arrangement which was divided FldOpt= {"nr", NULL and NULL}
Int cnt Number of elements of nam arrangement Cnt=3
Key item type
Int set and char *str The same to character string type
Char **nam The character string arrangement which was divided with the comma -k customer, date Nam= {"customer", "date"}
Int diffSame When this option is abbreviated, the value of def is copied. When being appointed, 0 is set. Def=1: It handles as those which have the key value to which all lines differ
Def=2: It handles as those where all lines have the same key value
Int cnt Number of elements of nam arrangement Cnt=2
Flag type
Int set The same to character string type -t Set=1
[an error occurred while processing this directive]