Input file - dat.xt:
<field no="1">
<field no="2">
<field no="3">
A00004 20020214 365
A00004 20020415 4349
A00004 20020625 5268
A00004 20020810 1805
A00004 20021016 612
A00005 20020810 4554
A00005 20020923 491
A00005 20021016 3410
A00006 20020606 1364
A00006 20020810 2195
Example 2. Number the records in sequential order for each date e.g. xtnumber -k Date -a Group -B -i dat.xt -o rsl.xt Output file -rsl.xt
Example 2. Number the records in sequential order for each date starting from 10 in intervals of 5. e.g. xtnumber -k Date -a Group -S 10 -I 5 -i dat.xt -o rsl.xt Output file -rsl.xt