The ideology of MUSASHI is:
- Simple, flexible and efficent
- Basic software technology on an open platform
- Does not utilize relational database related technology
- Compact and scalable to minimize resource utilization and maxizime efficiency
- To shift from high maintenance, costly, complicated technology to low cost and comparably efficient technology (not necessarily restricted to small and medium businesses).
Development concept
- Division of labor! One command handles one process
- Convenience
- Users are impatient, speed matters!
- Minimize data loss
- XML rules
- The hard disk usage rate is minimized
- Operable in a stand alone environment
- Easy to change and integrate with other systems environment.
- Without using relational database, large data sets can be processed efficiently.
- Organize data structure in tabular format - XML
Table, which handles as a xml file. Plain text delimited data can also be processed.
- Allows flexible processing on the data sets in tabular
format used in relational database (operational system).
- A flexible system like building blocks of Lego.
- Low investment cost and risk involved.