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MUSASHI-CORE installation & operational verification check list

Being something which collected installation with the various environment of MUSASHI & operation check it does the chart below. At the musashi-users mailing list you cooperated to many ones. Borrowing this place, gratitude you say.

Ver. 1.0.3

OS environment (0-A)
The binary installation with RPMS
Build due to SRPM
Tarball source compiling & installation
Command operation verification
FedoraCore1 0 0 0 0 Japanese because of UTF-8 environment, when build it does from the source. /setdocenc.sh in regard to compilation it is necessary to execute.
As for the operational verification script only EUC for offering, there is the difference in the result and the like of byte unit character string length, but there is no problem in operation.
(By Nakahara verification)
RedHat 9.0 * *
Rpmbuild command utilization
* * (With the stone warehouse person verification)
RedHat 7.3 * * * * (The stone warehouse person and the shrimp with ? verification)
TurboLinux Workstation 10 * *
Rpmbuild command utilization
* * (Yada, with the person and the stone warehouse person of waiting verification)
TurboLinux Workstation 7.0 0 0 0 * It is necessary update to do libxml2,(Note 1)
VineLinux 2.6 * * * * (With the person of waiting verification)
VineLinux 2.5 0 0 0 * It is necessary to install libxml2(Note 2)
(With the stone warehouse person verification)
Mandrake-9.2 * * * * (With the person of waiting verification)
PlamoLinux 3.3 * * (With the person who is questioned verification)
KNOPPIX3.3 - - 0 * It is necessary to install libxml2-devel, zlib1g-dev and libc6-dev
(The sect with the person closely verification)
Cygwin 1.5.5-1 - - 0 * If it utilizes with EUC environment, there are no many problems.
If it utilizes is with SJIS environment. /setdocenc.sh in regard to compilation it is necessary to execute. (Installation manual reference)
Solaris9 (x86 platform) - - 0 * It is necessary to introduce various GNU tools (installation manual reference)
If Japanese is UTF-8 environment. /setdocenc.sh in regard to compilation it is necessary to execute.
FreeBSD4.9 - - 0 * The package addition of autoconf and the like there is a necessity,(Note 3).
(By Masuda verification)

*: Verification being completed 0: Upper verification being completed ? of additional job: There is a part problem, ×: Failure (verification seeking ?) -: Correspondence it is not or lack of confirmation

Reference material: GNU tool version classified by environment

The column which is shown with yellow: Install and update job become necessary in order to operate MUSASHI.
The column which is shown with green color: There is no problem in operation, but please refer to note.

OS environment Autoconf Automake Gcc Libiconv Libtool M4 Make Libxml2 Zlib
FedoraCore1 2.57 1.4 3.3.2 --- 1.5 1.4.1 3.79.1 2.5.11 1.2.0
RedHat 9.0 2.57 1.5 3.2.2 --- 1.4.3 1.4.1 3.79.1 2.5.4 1.1.4
RedHat 7.3 2.53 1.4 2.96 --- 1.4.2 1.4.1 3.79.1 2.4.19 1.1.3
TurboLinux Workstation 10.0 2.57 1.7.2 3.3.1 --- 1.4.3 3.80 2.5.11 1.1.4
TurboLinux Workstation 8.0 2.13 1.4 2.96 --- 1.3.5
(Note a)
1.4 3.79.1 2.4.19 1.1.4
TurboLinux Workstation 7.0 2.13 1.4 2.95.3 1.3 1.3.5
(Note a)
1.4 3.79.1 2.3.11
(Note 1)
VineLinux 2.6 2.13 1.4 2.95.3 --- 1.4.2 2.4.21
VineLinux 2.5 2.13 1.4 2.95.3 --- 1.4 1.4.1 3.79.1 ---
(Note 2)
KNOPPIX3.3 2.57 1.7.7 3.2.3 --- 3.80 2.6.3
Cygwin 1.5.5-1 2.59 1.7.9 3.3.1 1.9.1 1.5 1.4 3.80 2.5.11 1.1.4
Solaris9 (x86) 2.57 1.7.2 3.3.2 1.8 1.5 1.4 3.80 2.5.4 1.1.4
FreeBSD4.9 2.57 1.7.5 2.95.4 1.9.1 1.3.5 1.4 3.80 2.6.4 1.1.4

Note 1) With TurboLinux7 the procedure which libxml2 update is done
Libxml2-2.4.28-1.i586.rpmand libxml2-devel-2.4.28-1.i586.rpm are downloaded.
# rpm -e libxml2-devel
# rpm -U libxml2-2.4.28-1.i586.rpm
# rpm -i libxml2-devel-2.4.28-1.i586.rpm

Note 2) The procedure which installs libxml2 with VineLinux2.5
At route user,
# apt-get update libxml2
It executes.

Note 3) The procedure which installs various packages with FreeBSD4.9-RELEASE
1) Ports (or /stand/sysinstall) using, you insert necessary package

2) The symbolic link of bash is made
Cd /bin
Ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash bash

Note a) At the time of build "libtool: Install: Warning `.. /lib/libmusashi.la` has not been installed..." The ? the warning message which was said is made, but there is no problem. Above libtool1.4 increase this warning message it is.

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