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Installation procedure (ver. 1.0.3)

Contents of distribution package
0 MUSASHI-PACKAGE The RPM package which to CORE below - CHECK everything is included
1 MUSASHI-CORE Command group and library
2 MUSASHI-MAN Man page of all command
3 MUSASHI-MODULE Script command collection (CORE is needed)
5 MUSASHI-CHECK The operational check script (CORE is needed)
6 MUSASHI-GUI The user interface which moves with JAVA

Installation order classified by environment
RedHat system Linux 0.A or 0.B -> 5
Other Linux 1.A or 1.B -> 2 -> 3 -> 5
Cygwin 1.C -> 2 -> 3 -> 5
Solaris 1.D -> 2 -> 3 -> 5
FreeBSD 1.E -> 2 -> 3 -> 5

Front knowledge

Concerning, the installation and operation verification of OS and classified by distributioncheckyou ask with this.

The library which is necessary for the operation of MUSASHI-CORE is below 3.

  • (XML library: You verify above libxml2-2.4.19
  • Compressed and thawing library: You verify above zlib-1.1.3
  • Numerical operational library:


A) The installation by the RedHat RPMS file

The chart below please download the RPM file which is agreeable to the environment of utilization in reference from here. Distribution other than this chart (version) with the one which is installedrecommendsthe installation method with 0-B.

Package name Distribution name
VL26 Vine Linux 2.6r4
TL10 Turbo Linux 10
Mdk92 Mandrake Linux 9.2
FC1 Fedora Core1

Next, following to the procedure below, it installs.

In case of new installation
% Su
# rpm -i musashi-1.0.3-1.i586.rpm

When old version it has installed already with rpms,
% Su
# rpm -e musashi
# rpm -i musashi-1.0.3-1.i586.rpm

Note 1) 1.0.3 Because from, as for command in order to install to everything /usr/bin, was modified (in the past /usr/local/bin), as for the one which old version already is introduced, un please be sure to install old version.
Note 2) In order binary to install with TurboLinux7,it is necessaryto do update of libxml2.

B) The installation by the RedHat SRPMS file

First the job place which handles the rpm package is guaranteed.
The working space, rpm below the foam/home directory of the general user is made.
Here it makes in the foam/home directory, but it does not care separately even at the other place.
In that case as needed please read path and can apply.

% Cd (you designate your own foam/home directory as the current directory)
% Mkdir -p - /rpm/ {SPECS, SOURCES, SRPMS, RPMS/i386, RPMS/noarch and BUILD}
% Vi rpmmacros

"rpmmacros" With the file of the name which is said is drawn up. Content is as follows.

%_topdir (path of home directory) /rpm

When note) with VineLinux the account is drawn up usually, the above-mentioned job is done with default.

% Cd rpm/SRPMS (musashi-1.0.3-1.src.rpmis putin here)
% Rpmbuild --rebuild musashi-1.0.3-1.src.rpm
% Rpm --rebuild musashi-1.0.3-1.src.rpm

Musashi-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm is formed below rpm/RPMS/i386 with this.

In installation of the package it becomes manager authority and does.

% Su
# rpm -i - /rpm/RPMS/i386/musashi-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm
# exit

With which ????? of the RPM type which build can be checked perhaps with the same method
It is corresponding possible expectation.

In regard to the compilation of the rpm packagehttp: Http:of 3.5 chaptersof //vinelinux.org/manuals/using_rpm.html Beingto be detailed information in //vinelinux.org/manuals/using_rpm-3-5.html, please refer to.

As for the contents regarding description above SRPM it draws up on the basis of the mail contents of the person of the waitinginthe musashi-users mailing list.


A) With EUC environment installation from tarball source

It downloads the musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gzfilefrom here, it installs in accordance with the procedure below.

% Tar zxvf musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-core-1.0.3
%. /configure
% Make
% Su
# make install

With this method, as for all command it is installed to /usr/local/bin.

When note) libiconv is installed on Linux, like below message in accompanying failing in make increases the ? well.
".. /lib/ libs/libmusashi.so: Undefined reference to `libiconv' "

B) Changing Japanese encoding, installation from the tarball source

It downloads the musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gzfilefrom here, it installs in accordance with the procedure below.
Here UTF-8 which is utilized with FedoraCore1 it keeps advancing story in prerequisite.

% Tar zxvf musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-core-1.0.3

If the above-mentioned procedure ends, the setdocenc.sh file is compiled. Encoding of command help and the XML document which are in beginning the file as follows is appointed to UTF-8 (removes comment).

# Encoding for command help message (-h)

# Default encoding for XML document

Consequently it installs with procedure below.

%. /setdocenc.sh
%. /configure
% Make
% Su
# make install

C) Installation on Cygwin

MUSASHI concerning the installation method of Cygwinin order to utilize comfortablywith Cygwinplease refer to here. As for installation procedure below, only on Cygwin which is installed with the method verification has come off.
It downloads the musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gzfilefrom here, it installs in accordance with the procedure below.

When MUSASHI is utilized with EUC environment,

% Tar zxvf musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-core-1.0.3
%. /configure
% Make
% Make install

When MUSASHI is utilized with SJIS environment,

The setdocenc.sh file is compiled. Encoding of command help, the man document and the XML document which to beginning the file are is appointed (removes comment). As follows, as for the man document sets euc and the other things to SJIS (comment is removed).

# Encoding for command help message (-h)

# Default encoding for XML document

Consequently it installs with procedure below.

% Tar zxvf musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-core-1.0.3
%. /setdocenc.sh
%. /configure
% Make
% Make install

D) The installation with Solaris

As for installation procedure below Solaris9 (the x86 platform) with they are the contents which were verified. Perhaps additional job becomes necessary the SPARC platform and version of the time before (Solaris8) concerning.

1) Installation of GNU tool

Because with Solaris9 the GNU-RELATED tool is not installed usually,it isnecessary to download the necessary package below from Sunfreeware.com, to install.

  • Autoconf-2.57-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • Automake-1.7.2-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • Gcc-3.3.2-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • Libiconv-1.8-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • Libtool-1.5-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • M4-1.4-sol9-intel-local.gz
  • Make-3.80-sol9-intel-local.gz

Because note) with solaris8 libxml2 is not installed with default, it is necessary to install (the report from Mr. Yada)

At the directory which retains all file, it operates below, (thawing -> to the route user -> package installation).

% Gunzip * gz
% Su
# pkgadd -d autoconf-2.57-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d automake-1.7.2-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d libtool-1.5-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d make-3.80-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d gcc-3.3.2-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d libiconv-1.8-sol9-intel-local
# pkgadd -d m4-1.4-sol9-intel-local

The fact that above-mentioned pkgadd while executing, "the disk space is not enough", and so on as for when message is madecopingthere is detailed explanation in this, (for the fundamental solution, when the installing Solaris /var and /tmp,/is guaranteed in large texture is secret).
Because these tools are installed everything and /usr/local or less, it sets the environment variable of PATH and the like. If the profile file of the foam/home directory is compiled, it is OK, (re-login there is a necessity).

The environment variable which it sets is, PATH, MANPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH 3.
In addition the pass which has ar command (/usr/ccs/bin) it adds to PATH.

Setting example is as follows.

PAHT=/usr/bin: /usr/local/bin: /usr/ccs/bin: /usr/ucb: /etc: .
Manpath=$MANPATH: /usr/local/man
Export PATH

2) The installation of MUSASHI

And, it is the compiling MUSASHI. Same as other environment, it downloads the musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gzfilefrom here, with the directory which is retained it compiles with procedure below & it installs. The middle and in make, several Warning message regarding the library is made, but as for especially problem you think that it is not.
In addition, if UTF-8 is chosen in the Japanese encoding of Solaris. /configure before doing, ". please execute /setdocenc ja-utf8" with procedure below.

% Gunzip musashi-core-1.0.3.tar.gz
% Tar xvf musashi-core-1.0.3.tar
% Cd musashi-core-1.0.3
%. /configure
% Make
% Su
# make install

If note) with the route user pass is not passing to /usr/local/bin, "make install" it is not possible. Setting of PATH variable after doing, please execute "make install" with procedure below.

% Su
# PAHT=/usr/bin: /usr/local/bin: /usr/ccs/bin: /usr/ucb: /etc: .
# export PATH
# make install

Vi cannot use with the access from kterm with ssh. It makes "export TERM=xterm" then.
In order to try to be able to compile Japanese, it makes "export LANG=ja".

E) The installation with FreeBSD

As for installation procedure below, at FreeBSD4.9-RELEASE it is something which was verified.

1) Ports (or /stand/sysinstall) using, you insert necessary package


2) The symbolic link of bash is made

Cd /bin
Ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash bash

3) The installation of musashi
Note: With BSDmake being not to be able to compile, it appoints gmake.

Tar -zxvf musashi-* tar.gz
Cd musashi-*
. /configure
Gmake CFLAGS= "`xml2-config --cflags` `xml2-config --libs`"
Gmake install

Installation is end at above.

The contents regarding description above FreeBSD it draws up on the basis of the Masuda mail contentsinthe musashi-users mailing list.


It downloads the up-to-date musashi-man-XXXXXXXX.tar.gzfilefrom here, it installs in accordance with the procedure below.

% Tar zxvf musashi-man-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-man-XXXXXXXX

If the above-mentioned procedure ends, the Install.sh file is compiled. There is beginning the file, modifies (comment is removed manEnc variable according to utilization environment). With example below ja-utf8 (UTF-8 environment) it has set.

Cygwin: That it probably is SJIS environment, that it probably is EUC environment, ja-euc is chosen.
FedoraCore: Ja-utf8 is chosen.

In addition if it is necessary to modify the directory where the man page is installed, contents of manRoot variable are corrected.

# Choose Japanese encoding you like to install and remove the comment character.

# Chage path name that man pages will be installed if nesessary.

Consequently it installs with procedure below.

% Su
#. /Install.sh

Note 1) As for the English man document in /usr/local/man/man1, as for the Japanese man document it is installed to /usr/local/man/ja/man1.
Also the Japanese and English manual can change by changing LANG environment variable. As for details the paragraph reference of MUSASHI-CHEK.


It downloads the up-to-date musashi-module-XXXXXXXX.tar.gzfilefrom here, it installs in accordance with the procedure below.

% Tar zxvf musashi-module-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-module-XXXXXXXX

If the above-mentioned procedure ends, the Install.sh file is compiled. There is beginning the file, modifies (comment is removed enc variable according to utilization environment). With example below ja-utf8 (UTF-8 environment) it has set.

Cygwin: If it is SJIS environment, ja-sjis, with EUC environment ja-euc is chosen.
FedoraCore: Ja-utf8 is chosen.

In addition if it is necessary to modify the directory where script command is installed, contents of binpath variable are corrected.

# Choose Japanese encoding you like to install and remove the comment character.

# Chage path name that MUSASHI modules will be installed if nesessary.

Consequently it installs with procedure below.

% Su
#. /Install.sh

4. MUSASHI-CHECK (operation verification of command)

1) Command operation verification

Like below please make command help indicate.

% Xtcut -h

If help is indicated with Japanese, it is OK.

2) Verifying the inspection of documents man

Like below please make command help indicate.

% Man xtcut

If this time the man document is indicated with Japanese, it is OK.

After executing "export LANG=C", when man is executed, the English manual is indicated.
When (LC_ALL is set, it is necessary also "for export LC_ALL=C" to execute.)
"Export LANG=ja_JP.eucJP" (in case of UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8) with it returns to Japanese indication.

3) Command operational verification script

After installation completes, the script in order to verify whether or not command just is operational, is prepared. Procedure for verifying is explained below.

It downloads the up-to-date musashi-check-XXXXXXXX.tar.gzfilefrom here, follows the procedure below.
If it installs with RPM, because this file is installed to the /usr/share/musashi directory, please copy in the suitable directory.

% Tar zxvf musashi-check-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz
% Cd musashi-check-XXXXXXXX

Please verify contents next.

% Ls
Advance/ artdat/ basic/ check.sh cleandat.sh

As description above, they are three directories and the expectation where two scripts are included. The respective contents are as shown below.

  • Basic: You have supplied the script which checks command individual.
  • Advance: You have supplied the MUSASHI script which has been utilized with the tutorial.
  • Artdat: You have supplied the artificial data generation script
  • Check.sh: The script of the above-mentioned three the script which at a stroke it executes & it checks.
  • Cleandat.sh: The script which cleans the data (there are no times when it utilizes).

Operation check of all MUSASHI commands is almost done by starting check.sh, through the execution of the MUSASHI script about of 200. Then check.sh will be executed.

%. /check.sh

When the check script starts, it is the expectation where execution completion message keeps flowing on the picture.
When all checks end, it is the expectation where two files below are drawn up anew.

  • "Log": Those which the message which flowed on the picture retains that way.
  • "DiffList": If the result data which the latest script outputs the diff result of the correct result data (just it is operational, diff message is not output. )

First please verify the contents of log. Making use of editor and less, please search "NG" and "ERR". If there are no these words, it is operation OK. If there is the word of NG and ERR, it can verify the error contents regarding the output result with diffList. If possible in regard to clearly writing, you can throw environment of utilization to the musashi-users mailing list, it is saved.



It uploads MUSASHI-GUI being to have ended, but problem or Download of file volume it is not possible.
Presently, it is in the midst of verifying. Please wait for a while.

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